Are you a busy, time strapped, resource-starved nonprofit professional, or maybe you are a volunteer?
Do you feel:
- Perplexed by your lack of results, when you are trying your best
- Whipsawed by shiny new objects and the nature of the fast-changing digital space
- Unable to focus and feeling overwhelmed
- Frustrated by the lack of buy-in at your organization
- Held back by silos – marketing, communications, programs, etc. – and looking for more cohesion
- To better understand and make sense of the landscape and trends
- To be 100% sure about which platforms to be on
- To get real results from your digital communications
- To develop a plan and a strategy rather than frantically posting the week before an event
- To turn storytelling and engagement into action
- To create a plan to balance storytelling while also promoting the programs, services, and events that need to be advertised, without overwhelming people with too many posts on your social media platforms
Maybe you’ve got a great social media plan, but not a lot of internal support. How can you get the rest of the organization to rally around the importance of your plan and contribute?
The point being, you know WHAT you need to do. You may even have spent hours watching videos, taking webinars, and reading blogs so you know HOW to do it.
But… are you doing it RIGHT? Are you going in the right direction? Which way is the right direction anyway??? (WHEW! You are not alone.)
Good news. It may seem like A LOT. But it’s within your reach!
I have a proven method and framework to guide you and to advise you.
When you work with me, you will walk away with:
- Confidence in your skills
- A clarified message
- A plan to create and curate the best content for your target audience on social media
- Tips on how to best captivate your supporters and build a real community
MOST IMPORTANTLY: An action plan to move you forward – that I promise won’t sit on a shelf, because I’ll be checking in on you, holding you and your team accountable. (You’re welcome.)